Problems syncing account, no data base or bar code recognition. Lets you log your stock and add your reviews. Good tasting notes section
Problems syncing account, no data base or bar code recognition. Lets you log your stock and add your reviews. Good tasting notes section
A couple things that dont impress me as stated... the scanner doesnt scan and the search doesnt connect to a world database so I have make my own entries to search for. How is that attractive?
This app has worked very well for me. I cannot comment on the scanner problems reported by others because I have hardly used it that way. I like the variety of search criteria the app offers, but I find myself increasingly wishing for a way to search by price. I would like, for example, to be able to recommend a good wine under $30 to my friends by running a quick query in the app rather than searching through the entries manually and relying on memory.
Its a free app, however it doesnt really do much... I have yet to scan a bottle of wine that shows up in the app.
I wish I could search by price And also search what I have in stock Scanner works for me Interface is simple and easy to use
Scanner doesnt recognize any wines but other than that its great. Its just a pain to have to type it all in (especially when trying to socialize) instead of just a quick scan. Because of this I barely use it unless Im at home.
Ive been looking for an easy to use app to keep track of wines that I try. This is really easy to use. The Add Wine by Barcode" is great, although it doesnt always recognize the barcode. All in all I think this is a great app. Im really surprised by all the 1 star ratings.
I wanted an app to help me remember the wines Ive tasted. I tried Drync, Corkbin, and Wine Notes, and this was the best of the bunch. Barcode scanning is handy to pre-fill a bunch of the fields, then I can easily pop in the rest. I like being able to record my personal rating as well as the profile and taste notes.
Just downloaded this app, to discover the writer needs a geography lesson and a lesson in international wines!!
This app is easy to use and convenient. It would be nice if it could be linked to a wine database to auto fill wines and get professional reviews / user specific wine reviews.
Very good app! But so bad that it doesnt find any wine by barcode, this need to be fixed to be perfect
Simple to use and input info. Good variety of criteria with main options for quick input. You can add inexisting options when needed (specific regions and varietals). The rating does not need to be so precise, but I guess certain users may appreciate being able to input a note of 8.1. Overall a good app to remember the wines I like. Note: I havent used the bar code scanning function.
Apparently Canada doesnt produce any wines at all, as its not even listed as an option under countries. Too bad, your app followers are missing out on some truly spectacular wines. Nice app otherwise, but pretty useless without Cdn wines.
Does what it needs to do
I tried a few and this is my favorite. Nice to sync iPhone and iPad
Should change this apps name to "Product Not Found." App deleted.
This app makes adding your wines very easy and thorough
Now Im not going to bash the product without figuring out whata wrong, but it doesnt work at all for me. The app loads and the interface works, but I cannot find a single wine. Where I scan a barcode, search for a keyword or try to browse by style, I am unable to find any wines. I thought it was because I hadnt signed in, but after creating an account and signing in, its the same. I tried for a few days and finally gave up. Maybe Im doing something wrong.
Could have more search filters
Its wine-logging app has all the right pieces: - bar code scanner to quickly import info - attractive and intuitive UI for picking colour, flavours, etc - good organization for finding favourite wines youve tried Unfortunately, you very quickly start to recognize its limitations: - the bar code scanner never ever seems to return any pre-existing info - the choices for grape varietal, region, and flavour notes are finite, and dont seem to allow custom values. I can live without the ability to specify blackberry, for example, but as a British Columbia resident the inability to properly catalogue BC wines is a deal-killer. Maybe future versions will fix this, but until then, Im looking for another app.